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Two wonderful weeks =D August 12, 2006

Posted by April Ayres-Griffiths in bender, love, melody.
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Well its now two weeks since my love flew into my life. I have to say that my life has never felt so perfect as it does now. Melody is the perfect piece of my life that has been missing for so long. She makes me genuinely happy. Melody, I love you. Well that doesn’t even begin to convey it… *sighs happily*

A lot of things have happened since she arrived. We went to my parents place (when I say my I mean “our”, since my parents see themselves as Melody’s australian family). It was quite relaxing, but exceedingly cold! We had to buy a heater to keep ourselves warm as it got to -4oC overnight. Melody just came from the Canadian summer with temperatures around 40oC before she left so it was probably a bit of a shock to the system.

On Wednesday night we went to the Bender bar in Thornbury. This was the first time that Melody went and we sat on the couch like two lovesick pups and snogged the night away. It was a wonderful night, but we had a little too much wine, and I’m sure we made the other patrons somewhat sick with our display. *giggles*

Mmmm... Melody...

Oh… I almost forgot… Monday I start work for Pacific Internet in the CBD as a Data Migration Specialist. It’s a three month contract, so I was finally able to tell Centerlink to go take a hike.

Yay. =D